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The following page is to provide an overview of the project: Meeting the Lough On its Own Terms. It will become an installation in a similar way to The Underlying and Pandemonium, that has multiple aspects to it, including a surround sound immersive environment.
The Sonic Ritual I am proposing for the Assembly residency, will engage with the environmental concerns that the work seeks to address as a live articulation - building a technology, that draws upon the collective writing, that becomes a ritual to conjure the future...
Ami Clarke
artist lead with
Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland asked me to work with them in developing an artistic response addressing the crisis at Lough Neagh, the largest body of water in the UK and Ireland, that had became eutrophic with algae bloms and a site of ecocide in the summer of 2023. The complexity of how the Lough became eutrophic presents a text book case in the converging dynamics of power, influence, and conflict of interests, that have developed over decades, if not centuries, around Lough Neagh and the watershed.
I have initiated the following art project, working alongside Friends of the Earth on a live site of ecocide, working within new and emerging dynamics that change on a weekly basis., from the return of Stormont, to the increasing adoption of the Rights of Nature by community groups and the Lough Neagh Partnership, under our provocation. I was invited to join the Lough Neagh Steering Committee earlier this year. I have so far self-funded and seeded the following initiative, galvanising partners, establishing new contacts, and implementing the research and development that means we know there is a serious case and need for the work.
Friends of the Earth have welcomed my approach of ‘meeting the lough’ on it’s own terms, that brings a new experiential focus at a microbial scale within the sensorial realm (immersive exhibition, online hub/portal for the work, and film), drawing our attention to indisputable facts that show that there is simply too much phosphorous in Lough Neagh. My diagram on the complexities that converge at the Lough was used at the Friends of the Earth conference at The MAC Dec 2023, as different communities came together to develop a recovery plan, where the goal is to set a legal precedent in establishing the Rights of Nature.
The following is to give you a sense of the immersive environment, as we shift our focus to the microbial realm, meeting the Lough on it's own terms, that I would like to develop as a video and sound installation, whilst developing a sculptural apparatus that speaks to the flows of power of a particularly neoliberal sort.
The project overall operates itself as a system, with the ongoing collective writing project, and diagramming sessions, informing everything else, with several outcomes:
Immersive Environment - via game engine software
immersive environment with spatially realised visual / audio work
with live polyphonic ritual audio performance with hive choir, Friends of the Earth, and local communities
bringing together old (traditional indigenous technologies) and new technologies (sensors, AI) via ritual as new technological interface, in order to recalibrate human relationship within nature from a multi-species perspective
shifting perspectives - acquiring the rights of nature for Lough Neagh
Film with immersive soundscape - drawing together the microbial with the neoliberal - working with microscopic footage in 4K and various sound recordings from Lough Neagh, as well as cyanobacteria synthesizer.
Ballyronan Marina September 2024 - field trip
- Ami Clarke, David Jewson, Les Gornall, James Orr (Friends of the Earth)
The Weather Meets the Water at Lough Neagh
footage: September 2024 Toome Canal, going into Lough Neagh
Lough Neagh Neo-liberal diagram of slurry showing equally: the flows of power and pollution
first draft ideas that came out of our Sonic Ritual workshop with John D'Arcy HIVE choir in November 2024
(still very much to be developed)
Collective writing project - Friends of the Earth NI
excerpt from video (work in progress) - drawing together all the different scales and temporalities from a multi-species perspective that includes us humans, in the delicate eco-system that is Lough Neagh.
field recordings - audio, video, monitoring of the cyanobacteria
Extensive field research with David Jewson, Director of the Limnology Lab, Lough Neagh, Ulster University, and scientist and inventor of the aneurobic digestor: Les Gornall.
Ballyronan Marina September 2024 - field trip
- Ami Clarke, David Jewson, Les Gornall, James Orr (Friends of the Earth)
Microscopic view of Lough Neagh with Cyanobacteria